ما هو الحب ؟ / ج3: الحب قرار أم مشاعر ؟

💗الحب (الحب الحقيقي قرار مش مشاعر )💗

1⃣ في الجزء الاول قلنا إن الحب الحقيقي بيسعى لخير وراحة وسعادة الاخر، وإنو لازم يكون فيه مجهود وبذل و ألم ..
2⃣ في الجزء الثاني قلنا انو لازم يكون فيه مجهود وألم لاني بشتغل على نفسي انا (مش على الأخر) .. أعالج من ضعفاتي ..بضبط نفسي .. فيزداد مع الوقت والتمرين فهمي وقبولي للاخر ..

⁉وقفنا عند سؤال: طيب لو أنا عملت كدا لكن في اوقات حسيت إني زهقت ورجعت افكر في نفسي وراحتها ، أعمل إيه?⁉

خلونا هنا نحط تعريف تاني للحب الحقيقي: 
💟الحب الحقيقي مش مجرد مشاعر، لكنه قرار ..

 وإفتكروا المعادلة دي :الأفكار بتولد 👈🏻 مشاعر ..والمشاعر بتولد 👈🏻 سلوك 

1- زوجة أول ما صحيت الصبح هجمت أفكار و ذكريات لمواقف قديمة مؤلمة من زوجها .. شوية لقت مشاعرها هاجت وسخنت ..شوية لقت انها مش طايقاه ..شوية مع اول احتكاك بينها وبين زوجها إنفجرت فيه ..😡🤕

🤔تخيل لو نفس الزوجة صحيت الصبح وهجمت عليها نفس الافكار ..لكنها وقفتها قبل ما تتحول لمشاعر وعملت حديث داخلي مع نفسها وقالت: لا ..بس هو بردو كان بيعمل حاجات كويسة ..او : انا بردو مليانة عيوب ..او اي حوار داخلي تطرد بيه الافكار المزعجة دي ..هنا رد فعلها هيكون مختلف مع زوجها ..هنا هي اخدت القرار إنها متمشيش ورا الأفكار الهجومية اللي شنت الحرب على دماغها

2- او تخليلوا أم طالع عينيها في تربية إبنها فقالت في يوم لنفسها : انا مش طايقاه خلاص ..انا زهقت من طلباته..‍🤦🏻‍♀ ينفع ? اصلها لو قالت كدا لنفسها وسمحت للمشاعر دي إنها تتكون .. مشاعرها هتسوقها إنها  تقول كدا للولد وبالتالي هتدمره نفسيا،
لكن الام السوية على الرغم من شعورها بالتعب وأحيانا بالإعياء،🤷🏻‍♀ لكنها بتاخد قرار إنها عشان بتحبه هتستحمل أي حاجة ..وتفكيرها وقرارها هما اللي بيحافظوا على مشاعر الحب تجاه طفلها وبيحميه من أي إساءه سواء بالكلام او التصرفات ...

وقفة مع نفسك 🤚🏻

- لو المشاعر هي اللي مسكت الدريكسيون في اي علاقة، تأكد إن العلاقة دي فاشلة هو هتفشل ..لأن المشاعر زي البندول ..شوية فوق وشوية تحت😍😡☹

- إفتكر إن سلوكك نتيجة مشاعرك  .ومشاعرك إتكونت نتيجة طريقة تفكيرك💭
- حتى لو تصرفات الطرف الاخر بتكون ف اوقات غير محتمله، إنت اللي ف إيدك ريموت كنترول مشاعرك ..مش هو او هي 

☑♥💖 خد قرار كل يوم إنك تحب ...سوق إنت ..بلاش تتساق .. ولو وقعت شوية في النص وحسيت إنك مش قادر ..إحترم ضعفك وإنسانيتك ..لكن قوم وكمل الشغل على نفسك ..وتأكد إنك هتشوف ثمار تعبك .. إن مكنش حتى مع الطرف الأخر في الوقت القريب، فعلى الاقل هتشوفه في علاقتك مع نفسك إنك قد ايه بقيت شخص مختلف لانك عملت الشغل اللي عليك ..ولما الطرف الاخر يشوف إختلافك وتغيرك ..دا ساعتها اللي هيكون ليه المفعول الاقوى في تغييره اكتر من نصايحك 

⁉ طيب لو الطرف الأخر بيجرحني بشكل ما او بيضايقني .. مش قراري اني افضل احبه فيه قرار بعدم حب لنفسي لانو بيؤذيني ⁉
دا موضوعنا في الجرء الرابع 

لقراءة كل الأجزاء:

#الحب #الحقيقي #قرار #مش #شوية #مشاعر

ما هو الحب؟ / ج2: مواصفات الحب الحقيقي

💗الحب (مواصفات الحب الحقيقي)💗

في الجزء الاول قلنا إن الحب الحقيقي بيسعى لخير وراحة وسعادة الاخر، وإنو لازم يكون فيه مجهود وبذل و ألم .. ليه لازم?? دا موضوعنا المرة دي 

الإنسان بطبيعته بيميل لاي حاجة تديله راحة أولذة أو إشباع، وبالتالي بيبعد عن اي حاجة ممكن تسببله ألم او إزعاج او ضد رغبته في اللذه والاستمتاع.. 😋

ففي علاقة الإنسان بالنبات مثلا، ممكن الواحد يشوف وردة حلوة فيقطفها لانه عايز يشمها ويحتفظ ويستمتع بيها. .. ودي مفيهاش مشكلة لان الطبيعة مخلوقة لمتعة وإستخدام الإنسان  🌺

لكن الموضوع مختلف تماما مع البشر، ففي العلاقات السليمة والسوية مينفعش إنك تدخل في علاقة مع شخص أخر لمجرد إنك عايز تنبسط أو تستمتع أو تسدد إحتياح ليك (حتى لو كان للحب!) بغض النظر عن الطرف الأخر .. لأنك لما بتعمل كدا فإنت بتحول الأخر من شخص إلى شئ إنت بتستخدمه .. 

حتى لو كان الطرف الاخر عايز يستخدمك نفس الإستخدام ..إنتم بكدا دخلتم في عملية مقايضة  .. حاجة تاخدها قصاد حاجة بتديها ... ودي علاقة منفعة مش علاقة حب 🤝🏻😕

الحب الحقيقي فيه مجهود لأنك عمال تضبط نفسك وتقولها: مش مهم راحتك دلوقتي يا نفسي .. مش مهم اللي بحبه أنا دلوقتي  

وفيه بذل لأنك بتقول لنفسك: لأ ، فتقرر إنك  تؤجل إستمتاعك عشان الطرف الأخر مش قادر او مش عايز دلوقتي ..او انك تعمل حاجة عكس إرادتك تماما

وفيه ألم لأنك مش ماشي على هواك ومذاجك ..وطبعا كل التداريب دي فيها ألم

وقفة مع نفسك🤚🏻

🏆- عايزة أطمنك إن مش كل الحكاية مجهود وبذل وألم، لإن اللذة الحقيقية اللي بتدي إستمتاع بأي حاجة في الحياة هي اللي بتيجي مع الألم او بعد الألم !! 

❤ -تأكد إنك لما بتقدم حب حقيقي إنت بكدا مستعد إنك تستقبل حب حقيقي ..ما إنت بردو ليك إحتياجات ولازم هتاخد ..لكن هتاخد حاجة صح ..مش مغشوشة

🎁- تذكر إن مع كل عطاء من القلب فيه أخذ يفرح القلب

⁉ طيب لو أما عملت كدا لكن في اوقات حسيت إني زهقت او مش عاوز ورجعت افكر في نفسي تاني، أعمل إيه⁉

ما هو الحب ؟ / ج1: الفرق بين الحب الحقيقي والمزيف

ما هو الحب ?
موضوع هحب أكتب عنه خواطري الفترة اللي جاية .. 
هيكون محتوى الموضوع دايما بيشمل:
1- تعريف المحبة الحقيقية
2- مثال عملي من حياتنا
3- وقفة مع نفسك: عبارات ختامية تحتاج قوة وامانة منك لتقبل تحدي تلك العبارات لوضعك الحالي

💗الحب (الفرق بين الحب الحقيقي والحب المزيف) 💗

مفيش حد فينا مش محتاج يحب ويتحب .. وسبب كل المشاكل والتعب اللي ف حياتنا هي لما بنمشي من غير بنزين او نحط بنزين مغشوش في الخزان بتاعنا .. يعني لما يكون خزان الحب بتاعنا فاضي أو مليان بحب مزيف. 

وهو فيه حب حقيقي وحب مزيف ?🤔

ايوه .. والحب المزيف هو مش حب على الإطلاق ..لكن للاسف أطلقوا عليه كلمة حب فشوهوا معنى الكلمة الحقيقي

طب ايه الفرق ما بينهم?

أول فكرة هشارك بيها النهاردة ..إن الحب الحقيقي بيحتاج مجهود كبير وبذل وتضحية .. أساسه ان الشخص اللي بيحب مش بيفكر في راحته وسعادته الشخصية ، لكن في راحة وسعادة وخير الشخص اللي بيحبه، ودا طبعا شئ مش سهل ..لكنه محتاج شغل وألم ومجهود كبير.

🗯مثال: ذقت طعم محبة الأم المحبة والباذلة لاولادها واللي بتعمل مجهود جبار وضخم عشان سعادة وخير اولادها?. لو تذوقتها تبقى ذقت طعم حب حقيقي. ولو لم تذقه (لان مش كل الامهات للاسف بتحب بشكل سليم )، يبقى حاول وإنت بتقيم علاقاتك إنك تفتكر أول معنى من معاني الحب الحقيقي اللي ذكرناه فوق ... 

وقفة مع نفسك🤚🏻

*لو بتقول لحد انك بتحبه وانت مش ناوي تتعب أوتضحي عشان محبوبك، تبقى مش بتحبه محبة حقيقية 
* لو حد بيقولك انه بيحبك وهو مش ناوي يتعب ويقدم اي تضحيات عشانك ..للاسف يبقى مش بيحبك محبة حقيقية

?? ليه الحب الحقيقي لازم يكون فيه مجهود وألم??

Hunger for Love series (Part 2: What Real Love is NOT?)

Reasons behind Fake Love

We ended up our first part from this series with this question:
But what if the child's needs were not met? What danger do we carry to our relationships when this hunger for Basic Love is not fulfilled? 

If the relationship with the mother (or the alternative caregiver) was harsh, contains threats, rejection, intimidation, or the mother did not exist or got separated from the child; then this basic need will always be in hunger.

The general reaction among all humans: is that when we grow up with an empty tank, we seek to fill it with anything in order to feel loved & accepted as we can't endure this emptiness in our hearts, as reflected by Henry Nouwen in his journals following the breakdown of a close relationship where he suddenly lost his self-esteem, his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved and even his hope in God: 

“There is a deep hole in your being, like an abyss. You will never succeed in filling that hole, because your needs are inexhaustible. You have to work around it so that gradually the abyss closes.” ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Inner Voice of Love ~

Dr. Maurice Wagner elaborates what happens inside us when we walk with an empty love tank: 

Maurice Wagner "The Sensation of Being Somebody"

- The baby comes to the world with sense of uncertainty in himself & in being loved, accepted & all other basic love needs to be affirmed by the caregivers, & when it is not affirmed then his presumption of being unloved & unwelcomed to the world is confirmed, this false belief is internally integrated into his identity, fiercely compelled to EARN this love & attention in different compensative ways & troubled behaviors. These behaviors totally differ from who he really is (the true self that was never discovered), it only reflects his deepest hunger for love & for proving himself as "somebody" in a term Wagner called "self-verification".

The severity of these troubled behaviors relies on how deep his hunger is, the child then becomes self-centered, acting with a fake personality deviated from his real self, & the false self he'll be using (unconsciously) is the one which has successfully helped him win all the love & appreciation he needed from his parents & from others, even if it is fake love & not genuine.

⇒Remember this equation: Needs beget motives & motives beget behavior

These patterns of behavior are carried with the child until he's adult, to be acting typically the same way towards life & others, but maybe in other shapes or forms which suits the grownups.

- These behaviors could be one of 3 (sometimes swinging between them all but one will be predominant according to one's personality):

1. Compliance or placation (pleasing character, moving to people): it can take many forms, for example: when the person seems caring & loving very much to a suffocating extent, always seeking to help & give others, doing whatever they ask without being able to object or reject as he/she can't stand to be alone or exiled from the group, he/she will submit to the needs of others without thinking in their own needs, can be always weeping or complaining. All these manipulative ways reflects unhealthy & conditional love which seeks its own needs.

This person's motto: If I pleased them & tried to be always good; they'll love me.

2. Defiance or rebellion (aggressive character, moving against people): it is when the person takes his needs by power & force, not caring about others or their needs, he feels weaknesses & inferiority just as the 1st one, but he'll never reveal his needs or emotions to others, covering this hole inside of him with success, power & authority, always pursuing to be above others as a way to protect his wounded self from them.

This person's motto: If I'm powerful & special & successful; they'll love me.

3. Evasion or avoidance (withdrawing character, moving away from people): after failing to receive the love & care he needed; this person becomes so vulnerable that he/ she will try to build big walls between them & others, hiding in their comfort zone in order to feel safe & protect themselves from being hurt again, to them people = hurt & pain.

This person's motto: When there's no one in my life; then I'm safe.

All these sick patterns of behaviors & false identities lead us to perplexing relationships, we end up hurting others & ourselves as well.

Real love (as shown in the picture above) is the opposite to all the forms mentioned above, it does not provide loving emotions in an attempt to earn something in return, real love includes: sacrifice, understanding, accepting difference without feeling threatened, respect, encouragement, forgiveness & kindness, it is an aware decision taken each & every second to love the other person no matter what, it is owning oneself in order to be able to give it to the loved ones.

What is the hidden motive driving your relationships? Is it love? Or is it self-gratification?

What if you discovered that your tank is empty, is there a hope to fill it with true genuine love?

Follow me in part (3) from this series

*To read all parts from this series; please click here:
Part 1: Our Need for Basic Love
Part 3: Loved & Accepted

Hunger for Love series (Part 3: Loved & Accepted)

Countless men and women live through the anguish and despair of broken relationships, others may accept entering abusing relationships as "to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet".

“Aren't you, like me, hoping that some person, thing, or event will come along to give you that final feeling of inner well-being you desire? Don't you often hope: 'May this book, idea, course, trip, job, country or relationship fulfill my deepest desire.' But as long as you are waiting for that mysterious moment you will go on running helter-skelter, always anxious and restless, always lustful and angry, never fully satisfied. You know that this is the compulsiveness that keeps us going and busy, but at the same time makes us wonder whether we are getting anywhere in the long run. This is the way to spiritual exhaustion and burn-out. This is the way to spiritual death.”

~ Henri J.M. Nouwen, Life of the Beloved ~

Do you feel that you had enough? Enough throwing yourself in bogus bosoms.. Enough drinking from poisonous cups ... enough allowing others to tread with their feet on your broken heart.. Come now to see how you could be restored, collecting back your scattered pieces, drinking pure & genuine love that can quench your thirst & heal the pain arousing from feeling hunger & destitute.

Of course it is hard to believe that you can be loved for who you really are after hearing all these years that you’re not good enough, you're bad, you're ugly, you came by mistake as your parents didn't want more babies, all these lies were embedded & inculcated in every cell in your being that even if there's someone who could really love you, you may not be able to receive this love.

If you're that person..If you're thinking that you're deeply wounded with no hope for healing? Read the following words:
“12 For thus says the Lord: ‘Your affliction is incurable, Your wound is severe. 13 There is no one to plead your cause, That you may be bound up; You have no healing medicines. 14 All your lovers have forgotten you; They do not seek you....17 For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord, ‘Because they called you an outcast.." (Jeremiah 30)

The Real & Only Reason behind Our Hunger for Love

- You may wonder why do we need that much of love, basic love when we were kids, & continually need it when we're adults?

- The truth is that we were created & designed to live by love, Love is like the oxygen we humans breathe, our hearts cannot be satisfied by anything except in love, & we cannot get it from ourselves, we –as created creatures- need to receive it from an outside source. 

- Parents were supposed to convey this love to their kids; therefore there's no doubt that the loss of basic love mentioned in part 2 (click here ) is like an earthquake that fiercely causes cracks & brokenness within one's self & identity, but not only losing this basic love is the reason behind our hunger, but also because the fallen nature which we've inherited from Adam & Eve got separated from the real source of Love: God Himself, as God was the center of man; therefore he was satisfied, but ever since this separation; man became the center of himself; the reason behind all hunger & thirst. 

This need for "Basic love" in its essence is the need for God Himself... as God is Love.
You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
~ Confessions of St. Augustine ~ 

The Cure for This Hunger 

- Imagine someone who, you really love & is dying asked your help, which love is greater: If you told that person: "I love you, but won't help you" –or- if you really went there to help?
And which love is greater: If that person was a good person & worth to be helped? Or if bad & did not worth it?

- God did not stand there watching us suffer & said from above "Oh.. I love you"!! ,No, He surprised us with an unfathomable & unexpected action taking our flesh & coming to earth –while also remaining God as he's immutable-in order to restore this broken relationship which is so dear to His hear, He came not to just to help us exist (being "somebody") but to be His dear sons & daughters.

- Coming to earth showed how much He loves each & every one of us. Why? Because:
He loved us despite all our iniquities 
He initiated coming to us when we could not reach him & didn’t ask for it
He came in humiliation, self-denial, and loving service for others (read: 2 Corinthians 8:9)
He reflected God's heart & thoughts towards us; that He is a God of Love & compassion; The invisible love became visible in Him. (read: Colossians 1:15)
“You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mark 1: 11)"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" ~ John 3:16 ~

God saw our deepest need for intimacy & He saw how people cannot meet this need for us; therefore His incarnation (taking flesh) was the greatest invitation for intimacy. All what He wants to reign over your heart to fill it with love, the love that will restore yourself all together again; the love that will bring your inner world into harmony so that you can be able to love yourself & others as well.

- Instead of being driven by needs & desires & hunger, you can be free from all these wrong motives, what you deeply need lies inside of you, stop searching outside & start searching inside, invite Him to dwell in your heart & be sure that He listens & will answer your request as He wants it more than you do.

Stop telling yourself the same words you used to hear from others (that you're not good enough, not loved, etc.) & start declaring the truth about yourself as revealed in the word of God, the truth is that, there's nothing you can do to make God love you more or less, you're deeply loved & accepted unconditionally, you're very special, you're not here by coincidence.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you", "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; 
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine" (Jeremiah 1 & Isaiah 43)

*To read all parts from this series; please click here:
Part 1: Our  Need for Basic Love 
Part 2: What real love is NOT 

- References:

Hunger for Love series (Part 1: Our Need for Basic Love)

# How do we develop our sense of personal worth?
# Why do we need to be in loving relationships?  & why we end up hurting ourselves in our relationships?
# What real love is? Is it emotions or something else?

In our first part from this series we're going to understand more about ourselves as humans, why do we need love? Do we really feel loved deep inside? What are the main factors which have affected our self-image, our sense of being loved or not & our perception about life & the world around us?

Three renowned names will help us find answers to these questions: Eric Erikson, Ashley Montague and Maurice Wagner

Eric Erikson "The Psychosocial Development"

- In his theory, German psychologist "Erikson" considers the impact of external factors (like parents) on our personality development from infancy to adulthood. He explained that every person must pass through eight stages; each stage has its own specific needs, fulfilling the needs of each stage leads to successfully moving to the next level by overcoming each stage's crisis; thus building up a healthy personality that can face life & its threats & obstacles bravely & creatively, while failing to fulfilling these needs can result in a reduced ability in facing these crises; therefore leading to unhealthy personality and deformed sense of self ; which will lead to unhealthy relationships.

(To read more about the 8 stages; refer to this link: https://www.verywell.com/trust-versus-mistrust-2795741)

-  Our main need when we were infants was the need for "Basic love", meeting this need ascertains to the child his existence & makes him feel that he is "Somebody" (i.e.: he exists). It is met especially in the first 5 years of our childhood & it totally differs than our need for love as adults. It is the cornerstone of our personality & the backbone of our lifespan.

This basic love consists of 3 pivotal axes: 
(1) Sense of safety & security, which leads to 
(2) Sense of acceptance & belonging; which leads to:
(3) Sense of Value.

When this need is consistently met; the child will learn to trust his caregivers; hence this will develop the sense of existing as "somebody" who is:  safe, accepted & valued; thus affecting positively on his behavior in life & in relationships later on.

On the contrary; failing to meet this need consistently; the child will begin to mistrust the people around him, doubting in himself & his value, developing feelings of rejection, fear, insecurity & inferiority; carrying all these negative feelings further in his life & relationships.

Then, how this basic hunger for this need is met?

Ashley Montague "Touching, The Human Significance of the Skin":

Anthropologist Ashley Montagu mentions in his amazing book "Touching, The human Significance of the Skin" the main key in conveying parents' love to their kids; which is: touching. He says:

"Where touching begins, there love and humanity also begin – within the first minutes following birth." 
Of course each person has his own love language, but basic love is met by the availability & the proximity of physical contact from the parents (especially the mother) to the baby (starting from the first hours & days after birth). The sense of security, belonging & acceptance is met when a mom lovingly, warmly touches & cuddles her baby, this makes him feels that he is an important person to his parents & that he's worth to be loved & taken care of & the world outside is not awful.

But what if the child's needs were not met? What danger do we carry to our relationships when this hunger for Basic Love is not fulfilled? 

I'll cover this point on our second part from this series.

*To read all parts from this series; please click here:
Part (2): What Real Love is NOT?
Part 3: Loved & Accepted

- References: 
Erikson, Eric. Touching, The human Significance of the Skin