شمس ومطرة !!

شمس ومطرة !

مشهد إستوقفني الآن .. فلم نعتاد ان نرى الاثنان سويا .. فلطالما كانت الغيوم تحجب نور الشمس لتفسح المجال للأمطار لتقوم بدورها.. ولطالما كان وجود نور الشمس دليل على جو دافئ وأحوال مناخية مستقرة ..

لكن مثلما قرأت أن الطبيعة أحيانا تعكس ما بداخل الإنسان Mirroring من إضطراب .. فلكل منا شمس ومطر في عالمه الداخلي...فإضطراب الإنسان وصاراعاته في الداخل كان لها التأثير على الطبيعة من الخارج
# تشعر بالفرح لمقابلة شخص تحبه، لكنك تحزن في نفس الوقت لانك تعلم انه لن يبقى معك للأبد وتحزن عند مفارقته ،
# تشعر بالفرح عندما تتقابل مع أصدقاؤك وتمرحون وتتسامرون، لكنك تشعر في ذات الوقت بالضيق والوحدة لعدم وجود شخص بجانبك يشاركك الحياة بحلوها ومرها .. يشخص يتلامس تلامس حقيقي مع أعماقك .. شخص يشعر بأناتك ويتفهم حتى صمتك
#تشعر بالنجاح والقيمة عند إنجاز مهمة ما لكنك بعدها مباشرة تشعر بالخواء والنقص لأنك تعلم انك لم تٌخلق لتحقق فقط نجاحات وإنجازات بل لأمور أعظم وأعمق من ذلك.
# تشعر بالرغبة في الزهد من الحياة والترفع فوق إحتياجاتك (إحتياجات الروح)، لكنك تظل متمسكا بأحلامك وبما يساعدك لكي تحيا على الأرض حياة متزنة (إحتياجات النفس والجسد)....
# تشعر بالبهجة والنور يجتاح عالمك عندما تتواصل تواصل حقيقي مع الخالق، لكنك بعدها تشعر بالغربة عندما  تتوه وسط العالم وتشعر وكأنه قد إختفى بسبب غيوم أفكارك ....وهكذا.

سيظل الإنسان يحمل هذا الصراع بداخله .. صراع سطوع الشمس مع غيوم المطر ..صراع الدفئ والحرارة مع البرودة والصقيع... فهذه ضريبة السقوط والخروج من الجنة والإنفصال عن الله.

لكن لا يجب أن ننسى أن الله خلق الإنسان سيدا على الخليقة وخلق هذه الطبيعه لخدمته، و عندما فقد الإنسان هذا السلطان بسقوطه جاء المسيح ليعطي للانسان ما فقده قبل السقوط، لذا هناك دور على الإنسان أن يصارع ويجاهد لتبقى شمسه أطول فترة ممكنة .. أي ليحتفظ بإرادته صاحية وواعية ليختار الشمس رغم الغيوم..  

فيتعلم ان الغيوم الحقيقية هي في أفكاره عندما يسمح لكل فكر سلبي ومحبط أن يتحكم فيه، يتعلم أن شمسه تسطع عندما يتدرب أن يطرد هذه الأفكار السلبية التي زرعت من العالم والشيطان والأحداث المؤلمة في حياته ويستبدلها بالحقيقة المختبئة وراء الغيوم...

نعم حتما ستأتي الغيوم والأمطار في مواسم كثيرة في الحياة، لكنه بإرادته يستطيع ألا يستسلم للغيوم .. وأن يفرح ويرقص حتى تحت أمطارها عالما أن الشمس حتما ستظهر لاحقا .. متى?! لا يعلم .. ولا يقلق أو يهتم ..لأنه تصالح مع الشمس والغيوم في داخله .. لأنه تعلم ان يكون السيد .. أي سيد إرادته... يستخدم كل مواسم الحياة وتقلباتها لبناؤه ونموه ... أي لخدمته

@ Jackie.Y.G

عندك علاقات حقيقية أو صحية في حياتك ؟

عايز تعرف إذا كان فيه أي دواير علاقات حقيقية او صحية في حياتك ? 

الدواير اللي تلاقي فيها ناس بتقبلك في اسوأ حالاتك (وإنت مضغوط او متنرفز او متلغبط، بمعنى مش في عادتك وحالتك الطبيعية) هي دي اللي نقدر نسميها فعلا "علاقة" .

لكن الدواير اللي فيها لازم تكون لطيف وحلو ومبتسم ومعطاء على طول، ولو بقيت غير كدا يتزعل منك وتترفض: إعرف إن دي مش علاقات اصلا، لكن دواير تمثيل أو إستغلال او اي تعامل سطحي، ودا ممكن يشكل ضغط نفسي عليك لانك دايما لازم تكون في الصورة اللي الناس متوقعاها منك ..مش على طبيعتك. وخطورته إنه ممكن يوقعك في كذا فخ :

👈 أولهم: فخ إرضاء الناس دول عشان ميزعلوش منك، فتبقى دايما حريص إنك متزعلهمش منك.

👈 ثانيا: فخ فقدان التواصل مع نفسك الحقيقية (الغضبانة والمتاضيقة والضعيفة والهشة في الوقت دا) لأنك هتلبس القناع اللي الناس عايزه تشوفه منك.

👈 ثالثا: فخ عدم القدرة على التواصل الحقيقي مع الأخرين، لان التواصل الحقيقي يعني ذاتي الحقيقية تتلامس مع ذات الاخر الحقيقية بدون اي خداع. وإعرف إنك في الوقت اللي بتقبل فيه انك تظهر ضعفك و مضايقتك - بصورة لا تهين احد - انت كمان بتحث الآخرين من حولك إنهم يكونوا حقيقيين بدون خجل.

وقبول بعضنا البعض في اوقات ضعفاتنا بيخلق جو آمن بيساعد الكل في الدايرة دي انهم يكونوا زي ما هما ... ناس حقيقيين .. ويثقوا انهم هيفضلوا مقبولين.

الواقع بيقول انك مش هتلاقي كل الدواير في حياتك فيها علاقات صحية .. لكن لازم يكون على الاقل فيه دايرة واحدة في حياتك فيها شخص واحد او اتنين بيقبلوك زي ما إنت ..

وفي إعتقادي الشخصي إنك كل ما تشعر انك مقبول .. وتعمل كدا مع ناس تانية حواليك بإنك تقبلهم زي ما هما، وتكون حقيقي بإنك ترفض الخنوع لمتطلباتهم، دا ممكن يلمسهم ويغيرهم مع الوقت، وبالتالي هيوسع دواير العلاقات الصحية والحقيقية في حياتك وهيرفع من عليك ضغوط كتيرة اوي كنت موقع نفسك تحتها.

#دعوة #لتقييم #علاقاتنا
#لهدم #علاقات #مزيفة و #مسيئة
#لبناء #علاقات #صحية

~ سلسلة: خواطري وما تعلمته وأحاول تطبيقه في العلاقات ~


دور الإنسان ودور الله في الشفاء

كثيرون يثابرون للتقرب إلى الله ، ولكنهم دائما ما يسقطون عند نقطة معينة مما يجعلهم يشعرون باليأس من انفسهم، فيبتعدون عنه ويعتقدوا في أنفسهم أنهم سيئون ولا يستحقون الإقتراب من هذا الإله الذي حاول معهم كثيرا ويصور لهم عقلهم كانه تعب منهم !!

هناك محطة هامة في حياة كل شخص فينا يحتاج فيها ان يسمح لله بان يقوم بشفاء أفكاره المشوهة وشفاء مشاعره من إساءات الأسرة في الطفولة ومن صدمات الماضي؛ وإلا ستظل هذه الأمور مثل شبكة كثيفة من فروع الأشجار الكثيفة المتشابكة بقوة فلا تمكن نور الشمس الساطع من أن تسقط على الأرض لتنيرها؛ وتظل النفس في ظلام دامس رغم كل محاولاتها الروحية لانه تعتنق شبكة من الأفكار المغلوطة عن أنفسهم وعن الحياة وعن الله نفسه تمنع وصول أي رسالة حقيقية إلى العقل والقلب.

الله لا يريد الوصول فقط إلى الروح، ولكنه يريد شفاء كل الإنسان: روح ونفس وجسد، ومثلما نصلي لشفاء الجسد بينما نذهب لطبيب بشري طلبا للعلاج، ومثلما نصلي لشفاء الروح بالممارسات الروحية، هكذا أيضا النفس نصلي لشفاؤها ولكن مع القيام بدورنا بالقراءة وتثقيف النفس بطلب المشورة والمساعدة.

أقول هذا بقلب مثقل بالحزن لأنه مازال الكثيرون يعتقدون أن الذهاب لطلب المشورة يلغي دور الله، ولأن أخرون معثرون أو يحكمون بقسوة على المشورة من خبرات سلبية سمعوها او عاصروها، وهم بذلك في رأيي يفعلون مثل من يحكم على المسيحية بأمور سلبية بسبب سلوك بعض المسيحيين بطريقة لا تعكس المسيحية.

هل تعبت من محاولاتك المستميته للسلوك بإستقامة ولكن تجد نفسك ترجع من حيث بدأت، بل وأسوأ؟ ربما حان الوقت لتسمح لله بالتدخل ليلمس نفسك ويشفيها .. إفتح له .. إنتهز الفرص التي تأتي أمامك، إسال عن ناس امناء يقدمون مساعدات من القلب وليس لأغراض مادية،  فالله لا يشفي بظهورات ومعجزات خارقة للطبيعة فقط، بل الأغلب انه يريدك ان تستخدم كل الوسائل الطبيعية العادية خلال حياتك اليومية ليقيمك ويقويك. إتضع وإقبل المساعدة .. فالله لا يكره الساقط ، ولكن الوحيد الذي يكرهه هو المتكبر الذي يظن أنه ليس بحاجة إلى المساعدة.

ليكن الرب معك .. وصلي لأجلي.
@ Jackie.Y.G

Are you in an abusive relationship?!! (Part 3: Tips & Steps)

If you are a woman or man who was a victim of abuse, I want to tell you the following:
Women, It is in our nature to love wholeheartedly, nurture, protect, show loyalty & belonging to the one we love even if they're hurting us & causing us pain & agony, but let me ask you this: why do you equate love with pain or being humiliated?

Victims of abuse (men & women) You need to ask yourself the following questions:
1) Was it because I didn't feel loved & cared for enough from my family or from friends that I found myself attached to someone who can compensate?

2) Was I brought up in an abusive & unhealthy atmosphere? Did my dad used to abuse mom or vise versa? Am I used to this pattern of abusive behavior?

3) Do I have low self-esteem that I find myself deserve to be mistreated or humiliated?
It is vital to explore, acknowledge & seek help for whatever the reasons that has led you to this kind of relationships. Otherwise, you'll find yourself bleeding (emotionally & psychologically) from one relationship to another.

 Take a pause from relationships for a while & start first by making the most important relationship in your life; which is with yourself, surround yourself with good loving people, & if you can't find; try seeking help & support from a counselor who can assist you rebuild what is broken within you, either from your current relationship, or from your childhood traumas. Taking time for healing is so important.

If you're a strong & mature woman who is still meeting that guy & planning for marriage, but didn't know that these kinds of relationships is an abusive one; don't hesitate to terminate this right away, don't say that you're going change him, because it is not your responsibility to change anyone, & because this pattern of behavior could be done subconsciously & needs lots of time & effort to be broken ONLY if the person himself admit it & start asking for help & seeking change. You might feel angry and sad & at other times love & regret at the same time when you leave the abuser; but let me tell you that these feelings are normal.

Anything that feels less than love & respect is not good enough for you to keep or fight for. Love shouldn’t feel disrespectful, fearful, belittling, humiliating, or painful. Love is supposed to make you feel better & helps you move forward & grow even more towards maturity, not to make you feel bad, gloomy, torn apart. 
(Read more about real love in 1 Corinthians 13[i])

* If after reading this article found yourself manipulative & turned out to be an abuser; I want to tell you the following:
We all have problems & unresolved internal pain & conflicts, but we're a growing & learning creatures, denying & escaping from problems won't resolve it, on the contrary you'll find yourself hurt even more because you'll always be in the middle of fights & broken relationships. I encourage you to stop running away from yourself, put your feet on the first ladder of healing & go seek help from a professional counselor who will help you to face whatever you're not able to face alone by yourself & bring these blind spots within you into the light of knowledge & recovery. & I assure you that you'll experience this taste of freedom & stability once you find yourself winning over your own internal battles, & not over others.
I pray for you "Victim" of an abusing relationship that you feel & experience how you're loved & worth to be loved unconditionally, to be accepted & respected & to be treated with dignity, I pray that you have the courage for once in your life to end this destructive & humiliating relationship for good, to be healed from your wounds, & to use your scars in helping others knowing their value, as humans God created in His own likeness & image.
I also pray for you "abuser" to stop this cycle of addiction of controlling others; to start reconciling with yourself, in order to experience the sweetness & depth in intimate relationships as God has intended it to be. In Jesus name. Amen.

*To read all parts from this series; please click here:

 Some helpful Resources:

Are you in an abusive relationship?!! (Part 2: Definition & Tactics)

We ended up the first part from this article mentioning that "Emotional abuse" is one of the most covet & mean abuse. Why is that?

For many reasons, let's take a look on how it goes:

1) You can never tell that this person is an abuser from the beginning of the relationship; otherwise you wouldn't have accepted it, but he is so intelligent in finding & playing on the common grounds you both have; until you feel connected to him, then his true nature appears later on, so it happens gradually without even noticing that you've fallen into his trap.

2) Most abusers are charming people, charismatic, talkative, & apologetic after the abuse, he even knows that he pulls the strings of your heart to him even closer when he admit his mistakes, then after a period of romance called "honeymoon"; he suddenly explodes with an outburst of anger, & for no apparent reason, it's unpredictable that you find yourself walking on eggshells.

3)  This manipulation keeps going throughout the relationship as he aims at imposing his power & dominance & power, you find yourself as if hypnotized & subconsciously willing to comply to all his wishes, even if against your own will.

That's why this kind of abuse is very tricky, various tricks are used by the abuser until you find yourself on the verge of a nerve breakdown, complaining that there's something wrong in this relationship, but with no concrete evidence.

But, aren't all relationships have its struggles & fights? Why we call this abuse?

This is not about someone who loses is temper because he's stressed, no, there are main features in the emotional abuser that makes these kinds of relationships not like any other healthy relationship, let's shed some light on the abuser himself:
1) The abuser might have different internal unsettled struggles, it could be: fear, anxiety, loneliness, inferiority, etc. from this very sense of powerlessness & in an attempt to escape from his constant painful feelings; he does his best to gain control & power over his partners, & because he's so disconnected from himself, not able to face his own battles; so he makes connection with others, & in a marriage relationship he has the sense that he OWNS the other person; rather than connecting on the basis of mutual love & care.
2) Abusers are never concerned about the well-being of their partners; all what they want is to win, it is either their way or the highway, they must have the upper hand & dominance in the relationship & the other partner goes beneath them, they suck all power & emotions from their partners, & they do this by diminishing the self-worth & belittling their partners.

Definition of "Emotional abuse", quoted from one of "Iyanla Vanzant" (famous counselor & life coach) episodes:

"Forms of emotional abuse include being disrespectful, discourteous, rude, condescending, patronizing, critical and judgmental. They also include making "joking" insults, lying, repeatedly "forgetting" promises and agreements, betrayal of trust, "setting up" of another, and "revising" history.
 One of the most difficult things about identifying and leaving someone who is a psychological and emotional abuser is that the really successful abusers are highly intelligent and hide their abuse incredibly well under the guises of loving and wanting you. They find the one thing that you do well together and use that as the carrot to keep stringing you along in the relationship.
They present an exterior of calm, rational self-control, when in reality, they have no internal control of their own pain and chaotic self-hate, so they try to control others and drive others to lose control. If an abuser can cause you to lose control, it proves how healthy he is, so he can say, explicitly or implicitly (it's amazing how sighs and rolling of the eyes can accomplish as much as words): "There you go again, losing it, crying and yelling. I'm not the one who needs therapy; you are."

Now let's have a look at some tactics the abusers use in their game:

Projection: is when the person cannot face his flaws, so he subconsciously shifts his own flaws & blame on the other, throwing accusations like: you're stupid, you're a failure, you need therapy, etc.

Gaslighting: this one is very tricky as it aims at causing a confusion & self-doubt in the other partner. This is when the abuser denies saying something or doing something you saw with your own eyes; this causes you start questioning your memory, your senses, your feelings.  

Stonewalling: It is when the abuser enters a period of complete "silent treatment"; until you apologize or do the things he wanted you to do. Another form is when your partner refuses to see things from your perspective by dismissing you or minimizing what you're sharing with him.

Emotional withholding: this happens when the abuser withholds his love & affection in order to convey a message of anger. This causes severe negative feelings like anxiety to the other partner because it arouses feelings like: fears of rejection, abandonment, disconnection, being unworthy to be loved, it hits the core of the identity of the victim.

Twisting: this happens when you face the abuser; you find him/her shifts all the attention & spots you made onto you by twisting facts in order to place all the blame & responsibility on you. He twists facts to victimize himself so that you feel guilty; then he demands an apology to avoid taking the responsibility for his actions.

Irrational and intense rage: it is the sudden outbursts of anger without obvious or rational reasons. This creates a great amount of fear and uncertainty in the other partner. Intense & sudden rages are shocking and startling, forcing the other partner into fear and compliance.

Trivializing accomplishments: Out of the sense of inferiority; abusers tries to hit the self-esteem of their partners; not just by trivializing their accomplishments; but also making fun of them, mocking them, belittling anything done by their partners.

Are you in the middle of destructive & abusive relationship & needs to know what to do?

To read part (3) from this series; please click on the following link:

By: Jackie.Y.G

 Some helpful Resources:

Are you in an abusive relationship?!! (Part 1: Real story)

She came to my office asking for help, a nice looking young lady in her thirties who was just out from a broken relationship she described as confusing, she wanted to know what she had done wrong that drove this relationship out of the cliff.

Let's have a short look on parts from our conversations during various sessions:

* Me: describe to me how you feel now
She: Confused, worn out, shocked, bleak & hopeless

* Me: I knew this was because of your last relationship; tell me more about it.
She: we started as friends, But he wanted more, so he tried to highlight the common things between us & - as expected- I slipped in his love; so he did admit it to me; then our love relationship started. He used to tell me how he knows that God is blessing this & that he was sure that I'm the perfect match.

For a couple of months he was so sweet with me, we had small disagreements but he was very clever in handling them on the spot, with every clash he assured that this is normal in any relationship & that he was glad seeing me working it out with him

* Me: what kind of clashes did you have?
She: At first he was not asking; rather ordering, for example: "I'll finish late at work, don't sleep as I need you"; so when I stayed late & he called me we had a clash as I was tired, angry & didn't like the way he ordered me, but he understood & later he used to tell me "please"

* Me: Good
She: Yes, but he continued pressing by asking me to do what he wants by using other ways, for example by telling me how he feels lonely & sad when I'm away from him, how I should spend more time with him, to reply immediately to his texting, even at work, how I should leave him run conversations his way & not to interrupt at all, & how I should comply with his numerous demands in order to prove that I really love him.

* Me: & did you comply?
She: at the beginning there were things I refused to do as I didn't want to, but then he started to accuse me that I want things to go my way & that I need to be more romantic & to play along with him when he wants me to; So out of my love to him I had to comply.

* Me: what other sort of clashes did you both have?
She: He used to call me with names despite knowing that I don't like it even if out of fun but he justifies himself that it was merely a joke, & in one of our romantic moments, all of a sudden he became like a raging monster, insulting & mocking & telling me that I need a therapy, & when I tried to step back until he cools down; I found that he remained angry for days.

* Me: Did you talk with him about it?
She: Yes, I told him how this makes me feel insecure & afraid from him; so he became very nice to me, admitting that this is a point of weakness in him, asking me to bear it as he's trying to change, this made me love him even more & because I know we all have flaws; I forgave him & expressed how I still love him.

*Me: what brought this relationship to an end?
She: it was this time when I felt insecure & angry from him after one of his insults, so when I walked away after sending him a messages expressing my anger; he kept chasing me with messages asking me to come back to talk & clear the misunderstanding & that he still loves me & needs a chance to defend himself & that he was sick & in a very bad condition.

I felt sorry for him & returned back despite all my fears & insecurity, I thought maybe I was really too harsh on him & didn't give him a chance to explain, I felt how much he still wants me.

* Me: then what happened?
She: I thought that we've sorted everything out, but I felt that he was withholding his emotions from me, & when I asked what's wrong; he replied that he needs to be silent for a while. I respected his space; & he was away & silent for almost a week. I got worried on him so I texted him, messages were seen but no feedback, even when I shared that I was sick, other times I was expressing my love for him; but silence was the only answer.

Then out of the blue I found him sending me a message that he is ending this relationship forever, & when I asked him to talk he refused, I started begging him & apologizing for anything that might have happened unintentionally, asking him to tell me the reasons behind his decision as it's my right to know; he replied that I was the one responsible for the failure of this relationship & started bringing situations from the past but with twist in the facts in order to show me how he is not mistaken & I should take all the blame, & that I imagine things that never happened & get hurt from words he never could have said, & that after he prayed asking God's will; God told him that I was not the proper one for him!!!!

* Me: Honey, no wonder you feel confused, exhausted & insecure. You are just out from an emotional abusive relationship!!

Dears, to be hit or punched is clearly a physical abuse, to be harassed or raped can easily be classified as sexual abuse, these are very explicit types of abuse; however one of the most covet & mean abuse is "Emotional abuse".

Are you in an abusive relationship? Please take the following quiz first before continue reading with us part (2) from this article.


- If you want to know what "Emotional abuse" is & how to know if you're being abused or an abuser; please click on the following link:

By: Jackie.Y.G