The story of a pearl

 My name is "Oyster" … I live in the sea
Because I'm Soft & tender.. a hard shell is protecting me
I may not look good on the outside.. But from the inside there's a story you should see
A story of beauty & glow … that can make you inspired in awe

 It started with an intruder who came In my way unexpectedly
He entered fast while opening my shell breathing life joyfully
Then he started to hurt my most vulnerable parts causing me irritation
I Kept screaming "Get out of my life.. for this is a violation"!!

 But he wouldn't listen no matter how hard I try
And  I have to protect myself, or else I will die
Deep in my pain & anguish I shout out & cry

Then in my suffering something came out of my inner being as a transformation
Something that is so crystal & shimmering.. What a consolation!!
"If I can't remove it; can I at least improve it as an adaptation??"

 I used my substance to protect me, that's how damage cannot inflict me
Then quickly & quickly I started coating this uninvited visitor with my "Nacre"
And the longer he remained; the more I coated it with layer over layer

 Over time & as I looked behind.. The picture became clearer & anew
Out of the darkest side ..Something was made bright & new
An irresistible gem is formed .. Covered with power & glow
A breathtaking pearl that worth a fortune..  Only produced by few

 Keep it as a reminder in your times of trouble .. of what an oyster can do
What you cannot avoid or change ..  Will help you find meaning & value within you.
With patience & perseverance.. your inner resources will expand & renew
And what didn't kill you.. Can help you welcome the new you.


*This poem is dedicated to the 2fish website:

To read how pearls are formed:   (Inspirational)

روبي بريدجز - قصة مكافحة وقوة محبة وإيمان وسط عالم صاخب ومجنون / حدث بالفعل

الزمان: منتصف خمسينيات القرن العشرين.

المكان: مدينة نيو أورلينز – ولاية لويزيانا- الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

في نهاية الخمسينيات من القرن العشرين كانت العنصرية البغيضة ضد الملونين والسود في أمريكا على أشدها. في ظل تلك الأجواء الملبدة بالغيوم، ولدت الطفلة “روبي بريدجز” في مدينة تيلر بولاية مسيسيبي، وفي سن الرابعة انتقلت مع والديها إلى مدينة نيو أورلينز بولاية لويزيانا، وعندما بلغت سن السادسة وحان وقت إلحاقها بالمدرسة، تلقى والدها طلب من الجمعية الوطنية لتقدم الملونين National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) للمشاركة في إدماج طفلته في نظام المدارس بنيو أورلينز، وبالرغم من تردده في البداية إلا أن والدها الشجاع استجاب للطلب، ربما تأثرًا بشجاعة “روزا باركس” المناضلة السوداء التي رفضت أن تترك مقعدها في الحافلة ليجلس عليه أحد البيض في ديسمبر 1955، وتم اعتقالها بعد ذلك.

اجتازت بريدجز كل الاختبارات المطلوبة بنجاح، وحكمت المحكمة أن يكون 14 نوفمبر 1960 هو أول الأيام لإلحاق روبي بمدرسة William Frantz Elementary School للملونين.

أثار قرار المحكمة بتنفيذ القانون وإلحاق روبي بالمدرسة ثائرة سكان المدينة البيض، الذين اعتبروها إهانة لا توصف أن يتم إلحاق طفلة سوداء بمدرسة للبيض، وقاموا بمظاهرات يومية عارمة خارج المدرسة، وكانوا يلقون بالبيض وقطع الزجاج لدى دخولها أو خروجها من المدرسة، أثار هذا الأمر ردود فعل غاضبة من قبل جميع أولياء أمور الطلبة الذين كانوا يدرسون في هذه المدرسة وأصروا على سحب أطفالهم من المدرسة، ورفضت السلطات المحلية تقديم الحماية للصبية أثناء توجهها للدراسة.

لكن سيادة القانون كانت فوق كل شيء، فكلف الرئيس أيزنهاور بنفسه ماريشالات فيدرالية لمرافقتها وحمايتها خشية من وقوع اعتداءات عليها من المحتجين البيض في الطريق إلى المدرسة، وفي اليوم الأول للدراسة، أمضت روبي اليوم بأكمله مع مرافقيها من الماريشلات في مكتب مدير المدرسة بسبب الفوضى التي حالت دون انتقالها إلى فصلها، وفي اليوم التالي كسر الوزير “لويد أندرسون فورمان” المقاطعة مع ابنته “بام” ذات الخمس سنوات قائلًا: “أنا ببساطة يشرفني إلحاق ابنتي بالمدرسة”، ولاحقًا بدأت المقاطعة تهدًا نسبيًّا وأعاد أولياء الأمور أبناءهم إلى المدرسة، مع استمرار رفض المدرسين التدريس لـ “روبي”، باستثناء المعلمة Barbara Henry التي أنشأت لها فصلًا خاصًا وتكفلت بالتدريس لها بمفردها لمدة عام كامل.

وبالرغم من تلك المرأة التي ظلت تهدد روبي يوميًّا بوضع السم في طعامها، والمرأة الأخرى التي وضعت دمية طفل أسود في تابوت خشبي لإخافتها، إلا أن روبي ظلت صامدة، وتطوع طبيب الأطفال النفسي د.روبرت كولز بتقديم المشورة النفسية إلى روبي خلال العام الأول لها في المدرسة، كما عانت عائلتها الكثير من قرار إلحاقها بمدرسة للبيض، وفقد والدها عمله كعقاب له، ورفض المتجر الذي اعتادت الأسرة التبضع منه أن يبيع لهم الطعام، وفقد جدها أرضه التي كان يعمل بها بنظام المزارعة، لكن بالرغم من كل ذلك ظلوا صامدين.

وقال المارشال الفيدرالي السابق تشارلز بوركس الذي كان مسئولًا عن حمايتها لاحقًا: “لقد أظهرت روبي الكثير من الشجاعة، لم تبكِ قط، ولم تتذمر، فقط سارت بطول الطريق وكأنها جندي صغير، وقد كنا جميعًا فخورين بها”… ظلت روبي صامدة حتى النهاية، وفي النهاية استسلمت العنصرية البغيضة في أمريكا لقوة القانون الذي رفض أن ينحني أمام الغوغائية والهمجية، لم تستسلم روبي ولم يستسلم القانون.

في 8 يناير 2001، تم منح روبي بريدجز ميدالية المواطنة الرئاسيةPresidential Citizens Medal من قبل الرئيس بيل كلينتون. وفي نوفمبر 2006، تم تكريمها في حفل رابطة مكافحة التشهير ضد الكراهية. وفي 15 يوليو 2011، التقت روبي مع الرئيس باراك أوباما في البيت الأبيض. وفي 19 مايو 2012، تلقت روبي بريدجز درجة فخرية من جامعة تولين في حفل التخرج السنوي. 

وفي عام 2014، تم الكشف عن تمثال لـ “روبي” في ساحة مدرسة وليام فرانتز الابتدائية، وقد خلد أول يوم لها في المدرسة في لوحة زيتية من رسم Norman Rockwell تحت عنوان The Problem We All Live With.


إختر السعادة

السعادة في الحياة تبدأ بأبسط القرارات .. مثل أن:

* تحافظ على صحة جسدك بأن تنام وتستيقظ مبكرا لتكون نشطا
*تغير عادات أكلك بعادات صحية وتمارس الرياضة
* تشعر وتستمتع بكل شئ حولك.. الشجر .. العصافير .. النسيم اللطيف .. اللمس ... الحوار .. المشي ..إلخ
* تستمتع بقراءة كتاب شيق أو ان تحضر حفلة موسيقية رائعة أو وجبة لذيذة
* أن تشاهد برامج تعليمية بناءة ، وقراءة قصص نجاح أشخاص مؤثرون
* أن تقرر بأن لا تسمح للأشخاص السلبيون أن يستنفذوا طاقتك وأن تحيط نفسك بأشخاص إيجابيون
* ألا تسمح لكلام الناس وحكمهم عليك بأن يحدد هويتك ومن تكون
* أن لا تسمح لأفكارك السلبية أن تتحكم في مشاعرك وتخيلاتك لأنك تملك المقدرة بان تتحكم في أفكارك
* أن تسافر وتغير من روتينك اليومي 
* أن تذهب لمكان مختلف وأن تمارس عادات مختلفة

هناك الكثير لتفعله لتصبح أكثر سعادة وسلاما مع نفسك .. ولكن إحذر .... لأن السعادة ليست هي الهدف في حد ذاته؛ ولكنها الحياة التي أراد الله أن نحياها عندما خُلقنا ؛ والتي من خلالها نستطيع أن نباشر أعمالنا بطاقة وإيجابية وإبداع ...

 وهذا النوع من الحياة لا يأتي إلى بأن تسمح للفص الأيمن من دماغك بأن يجعلك تتذوق حلاوة كل شئ تفعله؛ فستمتع وتشعر بإيقاع الحياة ... وأن تأمر فص دماغك الأيسر بأن يتوقف قليلا عن النقد والتحليل المرهق والقلق والإحساس بالأنا ..
لابد من التصالح بين فصي دماغك (الأيمن والأيسر) لكيما تشعر بالسلام والسعادة

Choosing Joy

Quick tips & action steps to choose & practice Joy 

1- Change is the ONLY unchanging fact in life, in life there're different seasons: Winter, autumn, spring & summer, suffering won’t last forever.. Remind yourself by saying "It is only a season.. I will continue breathing in the hope that the best is yet to come"

2- Falling or experiencing a loss at a certain stage in your life doesn't mean you've lost all the fight, it is only a round.

3- If you kept worrying while travelling on the road; you'll miss enjoying the journey. Relax & enjoy the ride until you reach your destination.

4- There is more meaning in life than just depending on relationships for happiness, Finding the real meaning of your life can fulfill your deepest needs, then successful relationships will follow.

5- Your pain is yours.. your pain is unique:
 every person is unique is his pain. .u cannot compare the pain of one person to another one can alleviate your pain except you, only you can drink the cup

6- Pleasure or happiness is not the purpose itself. But it is the result of living a purposeful life, pursuing pleasure leads to a miserable life

7- Joy is a skill that needs to be learnt… Joy is a choice.. Follow facts not emotions

Studies has shown that this is a skill that kids can learn how to be joyful from age 7 to 12,  as we teach them how to enjoy doing their assignments & enjoy everything in life instead of just finishing their chores 

8- Choosing your reaction is a freedom when facing uncontrollable circumstances, 

 suffer can lead you either to:  bitterness or a better understanding of yourself & life, it is your choice either to be harsh on others or more soft & understanding & compassionate to their pain , the choice is always yours 

9- One of the greatest lessons you can learn while in pain: is to learn how to adapt, it is not yielding in a negative submissive way, but to skillfully choosing to be resilient & endure pain in a creative way, looking to the hard circumstances with the eye of a student who is seeking to learn a new lesson, the eye of the researcher who is seeking to discover his inner resources.

10 - In times of stress & pressure it is important to remain focused on the purpose of your life, not on the obstacles itself, believing that each struggle is a stepping stone that will empower your success in your next level.

11- Helping other in times of pain can help to alleviate the intensity of your pain, just make sure also to keep the balance by having time to sit with yourself. 

12- Art & nature reliefs the suffering of the mind. Make sure not to have time for meditation , reading & to use your talents (drawing, singing…etc).

13- Do not be shy to ask for help, at times the best we can do to ourselves is to seek the help of a counselor & a spiritual guide who can help us see better.

@ Jackie.Y.G

REAL courage

Courage is not only limited in doing great things, like facing danger or doing some heroic actions...

Courage simply means:
- The power to let go of the familiar & Secure to do what you're convinced to do (after thinking & asking trusted counselors of course )

- The power to be yourself everyday & resist conformity even if they'll mock you, judge you, resist you, or reject you.

- The power to accept rejection because you refused to be a puppet or molded  by others

- The power to say NO even when you know that it'll cause unpleasant consequences.

They'll say you're arrogant .. crazy.. It doesn't matter being crazy in their eyes .. But what really matters is being the REAL YOU... 

By being YOU will make you experience inner freedom, congruence, & authenticity, & you shall cultivate fruits & expansion only you could reap. 

But you must know that this will make other fake fake people feel threatened & frightened.. & for this very reason they might resist you & probably fight against you.

My question is: will you stand firm in you journey towards authenticity no matter what you're gonna face ? or will you surrender to conformity ? 
It is your journey ... it is your choice 

@ Jackie.Y.G

علاقاتنا وصباغاتنا

وكأن كل شخص يمر علينا لا نتمكن من أن نعرفه أو نراه كما هو، لأن لابد له من أن يصطبغ بلون معين يأخذه هو عندما يمر على شبكة مخزون ذكرياتنا وتجاربنا وتخيلاتنا وتوقعاتنا نحوه ... ففي واقع الأمر لا يوجد إنسان نراه كما هو👀

لذا تصدر أحكامنا السريعة على الأشخاص .. مما يمنعنا من أن نستمتع بمرحلة إكتشاف ومعرفة بعضنا البعض معرفة حقيقية فيها يشعر كل طرف بإهتمام وإصغاء الطرف الأخر له مما يدعم علاقاتنا ويوطدها ...💪

فلكل منا توقعات أو تخيلات نحو الطرف الأخر ؛ الأمر الذي يُحمّل العلاقات بما لا يجب أن تحمله من أثقال وأحمال من شأنها أن تجهضها قبل ميعاد إكتمال نموها 💭

** أراك كما أنت - فقط - عندما أبذل مجهود مع نفسي -  لكي:
✓ أتخلى عن أحكام المجتمع وتصنيفاتهم للأشخاص
 أتخلى عن تأثير الماضي وأُشفى من تحكمه في رؤيتي للأمور وللأشخاص
 لا أدع عقلي يقفز من فراغه إلى إستنتاجاته السريعه والحكم على الأمور لأنه يعاني عندما يُطلب منه أن ينتظر ويتمهل ويدرس ويظل فترة معلقا دون إجابه تعطيه إحساس بالأمان عند قضاؤه على كل مجهول.

✓ أراك كما أنت عندما أتخلى عن إسقاطي بضعفاتي عليك ، وعندما لا أسجنك بين قضبان توقعاتي، وعندما لا أقيدك بسلسلة إحتياجاتي الغير مسددة.

إنها رحلة .. تقتضي بذل ومجهود لأتمكن من رؤيتي لنفسي كما أنا حتى أتمكن من رؤيتك كما أنت

(من وحي كتاب: فن العلاج النفسي - الفصل السابع/ أنطوني ستور)

Help me to find joy … I'm in pain (Part 4: joy despite pain)

Telling half the truth is NOT the truth; rather a big LIE, & that's how Satan keeps deceiving us by showing us only one part from the picture (Sufferings) without telling us the other part (Joy).

We tend to look to other people's tribulations & imagine ourselves in their place, by doing this we make 2 of the most dangerous mistakes: one is: we falsely judge on the magnitude of the pain & how life is unfair from our perspective; forgetting that each person's pain is his/her, & only that person can handle it, secondly; we also tend to see only half of the picture by focusing on that pain; not knowing that there're hidden fruits growing slowly in those people's lives, it only needs time to bloom.

 (1) Joy in eating the fruits of our pain (Fruits of suffering)

1- Find the real meaning of my life
At normal days we tend to get occupied with our numerous commitments, achievements, relationships & all other life aspects, but in times of pain we start to question the core of life & our existence, helping us to get back on the right track & find our personal purpose.

2- Produces character
Struggles & hard times produce what the normal days cannot provide: character
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame..” (Romans 5:3-5)

3- Know the truth about ourselves & God
We tend to think that we're strong & so powerful that we can make everything go as we want it to go, but in our pain we meet the ugly facts about ourselves; being so weak, fallible, controllable, this should lead us to meet the other beautiful facts about God; being mighty in power, Forgiving & in control..etc.

 4- Sharpen current talents & spur new ones
David the psalmist wrote his most profound psalms in the midst of sufferings running from Saul & his persecutors who wanted to kill him, Also Beethoven, Van Gogh, Victor Frankl, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Nouwen, Lillian Trasher, … Big list of Musicians, artists, painters, authors, writers & celebrities faced sever hardships at different stages in their lives, starting from traumas, losses, Mental illness, feelings of loneliness and despair, we can even say that if it were not for these hardships; we would not have heard about them nor their finest contribution to the world as God has put in us the ability to turn suffering into something creative, inspiring & meaningful.

“What does not kill you, makes you stronger” / German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche

5- Remedy for our fatal disease
Pride is our fatal disease that makes us lose our relationships with each other & with God, Pain however can make us feel humble desiring take time for solitude, realizing the everything is fugacious, despising the vanity of this world.
"The purpose of this life is not in the absence of pain & suffering, but that pain brings fruits" ~ Paul Torniee ~

(2) Joy in using the following facts

 Because pain is inevitable; God is faithful to equip us with various tools to help us endure pain & suffering:
1- Joy in being saved, forgiven & reconciled with God & with yourself 
"13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins….21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— 23 if indeed you continue in the faith" (Colossians 1)

2- You're not alone facing all this
"Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you" (Isaiah 46: 4)

3- Joy in knowing that God loves you & wants to prosper you not to harm you
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29: 11), (Isaiah 16: 10), (Romans 8 : 28)

4- Joy In having hope for the future (Let Go & Let God)
No matter how things went in your past; God can bring the best out of the worst, while waiting: " Let go & Let God take the lead": “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV)

5- Joy is the fruit of the Holy spirit
Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

6- Joy in finding the purpose from your life"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2: 10)

7- Joy in knowing that pain is temporal
 " Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30: 5), (Hebrews 12: 2), (Romans 8 : 18 & 28) ,

8- Joy in your deep relationship with God  
You do not need to understand everything; you only need to know God.  In your hardest times; never stop being amazed by God, Always gaze on Him, Although Habakkuk realized that life is hard & there's nothing that is causing him happiness; he rejoiced in his suffering & shouted out of trust: 

“Yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation” (Habakkuk 3:18).

9- Joy in knowing that there's an unseen world  
What we see with our own eyes is not the full truth, believing helps us to see the full picture
(2 Corinthians 4: 16)

10- Joy in deciding to choose Joy
We cannot control people or some situations, but what we can control is our inner attitude as believers in choosing Joy by leaning on all the facts we mentioned above rather than believing what we see with our own eyes … our decision should be in looking to the unseen other than what is seen. Apostle Paul despite being imprisoned & isolated in a roman prison; but he wrote a letter of Joy (Philippians) as he was able to experience real peace & joy

Serenity Prayer:

God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is, Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


(These series are dedicated to:

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Help me to find joy … I'm in pain (Part 3: Why there's pain?)

Having a strong & healthy mind (Part 1) & searching for meaning in life (Part 2) can help us be coherent & consistent when facing hard times, but how to have this inner peace & contentment?  Why there's pain & suffering everywhere? Is God punishing me; that's why I'm suffering? How to find Joy & who can help me?

Our heads are bombarded with these types of questions when we or our beloved ones face these seasons in life where everything seems dull & bleak. By the end of this article we hope that you'll discover important facts which can help you find joy during your life journey.

(1) Why there's Pain & suffering?
For all those who ask this question; the first thing to say that this is a very deep question on which many writers published numerous books trying to answer this point, but we're going to focus in short on 3 main points: Satan, Sin -&- The free will of others.

(a) Satan:  Because of his pride he rebelled against God desiring to be above the throne of God (not as His serving angel): This fallen angel (Lucifer who became Satan) has lost his light & beauty when he was casted out from heaven & doomed to spend eternity in hell, with all those who obey & follow him; that's why he is constantly waging war against the people of God; using their own free will to drag them with him into the eternal death & by poisoning their heads with false facts about Life, God & themselves.  

(b) Sin: The pure nature of man created by God was spoiled when Adam & Eve disobeyed God & were casted out from the Garden of Eden (Eden means Joy, pleasure & delight); since then we've all inherited this corrupted nature characterized by: Pride, Fear, Guilt, Anxiety, Death…etc as a normal consequence of being separated from our true source of Joy & our point of reference: God. Sin & all these inner struggles are the real cause of all our sufferings. (please read Romans 7: 15)

(c) The Free will of others: God loves us so much that He gave us freedom to choose whether to love Him back or not, but man used this freedom to turn his back on God, & because of the sin dwelling in the nature of man; therefore people –with their own free will- choose to do vicious acts to each other (Killing, raping, abusing…etc).

"Sin is the real cause of all our pain & agony"

(2) Where is God in our sufferings? (Some False Concepts)

    God didn't do anything to save us .. He stood there watching us suffering
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3: 16)

    God is pleased to see us suffering
"In all their affliction He was afflicted, And the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and in His pity He redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them all the days of old" (Isaiah 63: 9), (Read also: Hebrews 2 : 18)

    Satan is stronger than me & will force me to hurt myself & others
" And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" (Revelation 12: 11), " Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10 : 19)

    If sin dwells within me; then I will always suffer from taking bad decisions & doing evil
" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5 : 17) (Read also: Romans 6: 14).

    If God Has given people free will, & if people have corrupted nature; then I'll always be their prey
" Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6), (Read also psalm 91 & Isaiah 41 : 10)

    But God's protection will not prevent people from choosing to harm me

Things are not going in life haphazardly, God is in control & if He allowed you to go thru hard times; be sure that He will use your circumstances to help you grow & will turn everything for your good while keeping your soul rejoiced with His support.

" No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13), (Read psalm 34: 19)


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Help me to find joy … I'm in pain (Part 2: A trained mind .. Real Story)

We ended up in the first part asking the following questions:
What about REAL difficult situations? Is pain a friend or an enemy? How to find Joy internally in order to help me overcome the external circumstances?

Let us have a look on the following real story: 
By this real life story we're trying to get closer to someone who faced unwelcomed dreadful circumstances with no apparent exit, no tools to support him enduring, no entertainment, no friends, no comfort, at many times no food & many other basic life essentials. What did he do & how he managed not to collapse before all these inhumane challenges? Let us have a look:

Dr. Victor Frankl
An Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. In 1942, Frankl and his parents, wife, and brother were arrested and sent to the Nazi concentration camps, he didn't know about their death until he was liberated.

 In the camps he faced the most brutal & inhumane circumstances one can never imagine, prisoners had to give all of their possessions, even stripped of their humanity. Any prisoner caught trying to hide any possessions would be killed by the Capo (senior prisoners chosen very well according to their level of brutality), even your good & fitting shoes would be given to receive another unfitting ones.

Prisoners were also stripped of their names; the Nazi’s had assigned them with numbers instead. They had to work 20 hours each day in snow & worn-out shoes, digging and laying railroads with sore feet, if you looked weak, you were beaten. If you stopped working, you were beaten; all this in undernutrition conditions where they had to survive on one small piece of bread a day and some watery soup, the need for food was the “primitive drive” on which their desires centered; there was no room for any other desire for anything not directly related to survival.

Staying alive each day was a struggle, each day numbers are taken to be burnt or killed in the gas chambers, being sick does not mean you'll find mercy & compassion; rather it means that you're going to be killed. Those who give up & lose their trust to continue would go to touch the electrified barbed wire or drink a cigarette (when he can get one).

 “What else remained for us as a material link with our former lives except our naked existence?” Dr. Victor Frankl

He had the freedom to choose death, but he chose life, he had all the reasons to be turned into a wild animal; but he chose to remain human. How did he survive & endure all this?

His best-selling & groundbreaking book: "Man’s Search for Meaning" tells the story of how he survived the Holocaust, observing the behavior of the prisoners & observing his Mind by being alert not to get drowned in the many waves of negative thoughts & emotions; this helped him to endure this terrible experience by finding a meaning in his sufferings. Out of this experience he wrote this book & later he founded a new school called "logotherapy" which means "therapy by meaning".

Striving to find meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man (Frankl 1992, p. 104)

Many lessons can be learnt from this book; but in brief I share with you the following points excerpting from his words. I ask you to pause at each point & write your thoughts, asking yourself how this can help me face my challenges:

Finding meaning in life & in suffering

Frankl quoted from Nietzsche: “He who has a WHY to live for can bear with almost any HOW”

For Frankl; having something to live for; was the only reason helped him help him survive & endure in such conditions more than anything. Prisoners who had completely lost their ‘why’ in life lost their life as a result.  He said:
"What was really needed was a fundamental change in our attitude toward life. We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us"

“A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the "why" for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any "how".

 He said that everybody’s ‘why’ is different, His (3) whys mentioned in his book were:

(1) Love:
Frankl carried on a conversation with his wife in his mind, not knowing if she was alive or dead but feeling that he was in real connection with her either way:

"…The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved, In a position of utter desolation, when man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way – an honorable way – in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment."

(2) Work:
Frankl imagined returning back to his work, lecturing halls full of students on the psychological lessons he gained in the camps & the logotherapy, so he worked on reconstructing his lost manuscript, which he began to rewrite on tiny scraps of paper in an attempt to survive when he was ill with typhus.

 (3) Meaning in suffering:
Frankl believed that there is great meaning in suffering; he actually regarded it as an opportunity that can help you find the meaning of your life, test of your inner strength, & go beyond yourself.

It was forbidden to prevent someone from suicide, but few weeks before being liberated he was permitted to practice his profession & to help prisoners.

“But there was no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bore witness that a man had the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.”

 "If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be a meaning in suffering. Suffering is an ineradicable part of life ... Without suffering and death human life cannot be complete.

 "Most men in a concentration camps believed that the real opportunities of life had passed. Yet, in reality, there was an opportunity and a challenge. One could make a victory of those experiences, turning life into an inner triumph, or one could ignore the challenge and simply vegetate, as did a majority of the prisoners."

As we can see here that suffering was not an enemy at all; on the contrary it helped Dr. Frankly as a friend… harsh but a real friend.

To a great extent his story has met many aspects in the definition we previously mentioned in part (1) about Joy, of course he experienced pain, but he was consistent, coherent, had reasonable inner resources. However many of the opportunities to live were called by him as "fate & good luck", He was courageous & had a healthy mind; but someone might say: "what if I'm not as lucky as him?, does this kind of belief “fate & luck “ can make anyone feel at peace & contentment? Why there's pain ? How to find meaning out of my pain & can anyone help me ?.

That's our topic in Part 3 & 4 from this article.


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Resources for further reading: